Premier foot & ankle of illinois

surgical release

Surgical Release in Maryville, IL

surgical release

If you are struggling with foot or ankle pain, you may be considering a surgical release to relieve your discomfort. This procedure, also known as a tenotomy or tenolysis, is commonly performed by podiatrists to improve the function and mobility of the affected area.

What is a Surgical Release?

A surgical release involves making an incision in the affected tendon or ligament to relieve tension and promote healing. This procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia, meaning you will be awake but your foot or ankle will be numbed for the duration of the surgery. After the incision is made, the surgeon will carefully separate and remove any scar tissue or adhesions from the affected area.

How Does it Work?

A surgical release works by releasing tension in the affected tendon or ligament, which can be caused by injury or repetitive stress. By removing any scar tissue or adhesions that may have formed, this procedure allows for better movement and function of the affected area. This can help reduce pain, improve range of motion, and prevent further damage to surrounding tissues.

What Conditions Can it Treat?

A surgical release is commonly used to treat conditions such as plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, and tarsal tunnel syndrome. It may also be recommended for patients with chronic ankle instability or those who have undergone previous surgeries that resulted in adhesions or scarring. Your podiatrist will evaluate your individual situation and determine if a surgical release is the best option for you.

Recovery and Rehabilitation

After a surgical release, it is important to follow your podiatrist's post-operative instructions carefully. This may include wearing a splint or brace to protect the affected area, keeping weight off the foot or ankle for a certain period of time, and performing exercises to help strengthen and rehabilitate the area. Your podiatrist may also recommend physical therapy to aid in your recovery.

A surgical release is a common and effective procedure used by podiatrists to improve foot and ankle function. If you are experiencing foot or ankle pain and are considering this treatment option, be sure to consult with your podiatrist to determine if it is the right choice for you. At Premier Foot & Ankle of Illinois, we are dedicated to providing quality care and helping our patients find relief from their foot and ankle conditions. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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